Friday, March 14, 2008

Adopting Web 2.0 for business use

At the Cazh1 blog, they’ve recently written a post about the best ways to adapt Web 2.0 into the enterprise. So what are they?

--The Millennials: This new generation knows the software and expects to use it. Will IT follow? What’s the downfall to this? The Millenials are at the bottom of the enterprise food chain and are not yet in a position to influence the companies.
--Consumer high tech: Many internet tools, such as Google, have been opened so that they can be used from anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. People will begin to see the influence these tools can have at work. People will be quick to point out here that technology changes fast and it will be hard to keep up with the latest and greatest thing in Web 2.0.
--The Innovation Imperative: IT needs to find a way to innovate from their side. This is a great way to allow them to find new innovative ways to use our computers. However, the management is more concerned with the bottom line and profit rather than how wikis could help their enterprise.

Have any of these things come across as things to encourage your company to adapt Web 2.0 technology for more communication and knowledge management in the enterprise? I believe, that like many other things, Enteprise 2.0 will be adapted to the majority of most enterprises. Being able to capture knowledge on a group wiki has so many benefits. Whether it’s the knowledge of a person who’s about to retire or a detailed description of how to do specific tasks, wikis will turn out to be huge. And I think these technologies will not evolve beyond their needs before the next generation adapts them.

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