Friday, May 30, 2008

Enterprise 2.0 Adoption: One Step at a Time

In a recent post at The Fast Forward blog, James Robertson gives his top five pointers on how to integrate Enterprise 2.0 into your business. The overall theme was to adopt the skills you have and know to this new software that can then enhance your skills.

1. Create a prototype or a pilot: James suggests you start with one group of individuals, and teach them to use this new software. After this group of individuals has taken the E2.0 ideas and their work has improved because of these tools, tell the company about it. Use them as examples to show that this software is worth adapting into your daily routine.

2. Use stories to articulate and capture needs: It’s a way for you to capture the interests of individuals, and at the same time, show them how their needs can be solved by using the software.

3. Build on existing platforms: Everyone in your office knows how to use your company’s intranet, so start with a few tools there. Then, they can be expanded and used in other places.

4. Use case studies from similar organizations: Find other organizations with similar structures and cultures to yours, then use this as an example for your employees.

5. Be passionate about the right thing: Know what problem you need to solve, then use the tools available to get there.

These are James Robertson’s five way to help a smooth transition of E2.0 into your enterprise. What would be your five tips?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dream Team Suite now available

In a recent article at Read Write Web, they share about the new Enterprise 2.0 software available from Dream Factory. Dream Team Suite” includes a variety of software applications that range from social networking to project management, and is more affordable than many of the other Enterprise 2.0 suites available now.

Some of the software included in this suite is: a project management module, a time and expense module, an integrated document manager, and a team calendar. All of this software is easy to use, and since it’s hosted in the clouds, there’s no need to worry about the instillation process.

There are also options on the level of the software, as they offer elite and pro versions that are available on a pay by the month process. The software is powered by Amazon Web Services.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Collaboration is Vital in Enterprise Survival

I came across this video on YouTube where Bjoern Brauel, CTO and Vice President of the WebMethods business of Software AG, sheds some light about the importance of adopting Web 2.0 technologies within enterprise organizations.

An idea that seems to come up several times during this 7-minute video is when asked what web 2.0 at the end of the day is all about, Bjoern answers:

“One specific thing comes on top…and it’s Collaboration”

Take a look at this video to see how Web 2.0 software and SOA infrastructure can improve efficiency and help leverage existing skills within an organization.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Web Collaboration Will Become More Important

Those entities who organize workflow intelligently around combining enterprise collaboration with their legacy enterprise class systems will thrive.

Oliver Marks, in a recent post at ZD Net discusses the upcoming importance of the use of Enterprise 2.0 tools. As everyone knows, the cost of travel is becoming significantly larger, and companies who understand and can adapt to the new era of Web 2.0 tools will be those who ultimately succeed.

VOIP, video conferencing, and virtual environments can all become the new way to have business meetings. These tools take far less time and don’t cost as much money to facilitate one place where all the important individuals who need to talk about a project can gather. No money is spent on extra transportation, and the time to arrive at the expected spot is minimal compared to plane rides and commutes.

As we see the cost of living and doing business go up in America, it’ll be important for collaboration to become a central part of the company. Those businesses who find out how to use these enterprise 2.0 tools first will succeed faster.

Friday, May 23, 2008

What’s Your Take on Twitter in the Enterprise?

Can you really trust a social networking site that turns its back on it’s own community instead of defending it? Dennis Howlett brings up this interesting point in his latest post on ZDNet.

Ariel Waldman’s case of harassment on Twitter has been well publicized, but what’s interesting about this story is that Twitter has decided not to ban the individual who has been harassing Ariel from using its services. Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, explains that the company is scared that it wouldn’t be able to handle a major lawsuit it would most likely experience by banning an individual. So in turn, it has chosen to not uphold its individual rights

This could be a major concern for usage of Twitter in the future. What’s to prevent Twitter from upholding rights of its enterprise users? After all, corporate liability is at stake here…

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Google: Aiding in Enterprise Collaboration Once Again

Google recently launched Google Sites, which allowed companies to use this service on their own domains. Now, according to this post on The Official Google Blog, they’ve made it even easier for companies to build websites and share information throughout the enterprise.

Now on Google Sites, organizations can look forward to being able to collaborate on team projects, share information on company intranets, create community groups, forums, updates, and many more things. Companies no longer have to host the service on their domain, they can safely host their website at[your-website]. The best part of all is that it is free!

It will be interesting to see how this will perform against other enterprise applications like Zoho People, which allow human resource departments to keep track of employees through an intranet.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Collaboration Software for Blackberry

And just when you thought that Blackberry could handle no more web 2.0 apps, there it goes breaking barriers again. This latest article in InformationWeek details this latest announcement, and how WebSphere and Lotus Connections have long wanting to bring business applications to enterprise users on blackberry; it was just a matter of time.

Portals are available through IBM Websphere software, which enables users to build websites. Calendar applications offered through IBM and Domino enable users to effectively collaborate through their smart phones.

William Campbell, the manager for computing services at Standard Life mentions:

"Lotus Software on BlackBerry is critical to our business as it allows Standard Life to enable better collaboration across the world at any time. We have taken the BlackBerry way beyond e-mail, adding a high level of rich functionality resulting in what our employees call 'the laptop in your pocket.'"

These applications are expected to be released later this week. Is this the way of the future for enterprise users?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Power and Social Media

In a recent post at IT Project Failures, Michael Krigsman makes an observation that social media wishes to make a democracy for all those who are involved in social media merging with the enterprise. Social media’s goal is to spread the knowledge throughout an enterprise so everyone knows the maximum amount of information. The problem with this is that the CEO will participate in the applications in the same way that lower level managers will, therefore blurring the lines that create the power structure.

Michael Krigsman believes that social media will truly take off when there is a way to distinguish the roles of upper level management with the rest of the organization.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's not about the technology

In this video, Jay Cross, the founder of Internet Time Group, discusses the importance of enterprise 2.0 in corporations. He stresses that it’s important that the top management be aware of these tools, because these tools work more effectively with practice. Also, these tools aren’t about the technology, but the people and community who use the tools.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A 12 Step Guide to the benefits of Web 2.0

In a recent article at CIO Australia, they address the challenge of bringing Web 2.0 tools into Australia. Since this country is showing that they aren’t adapting web 2.0 as fast as the rest of the world, they give tweleve simple steps in order to encourage the adaption.

There are many reasons that CIOs are failing to adopt this process, but the magazine states one very important thing:

Organizations must increase their Web 2.0 awareness and capabilities now to prepare for the storm of innovation to come."

It only takes a few changes in the company in order to bring this huge collaborative machine into the picture, and CIO sees it:

"I believe the most important challenge for the CIO is to make the key decision makers in the company aware and to ensure Web 2.0 becomes increasingly embedded in their current and future strategy," Relihan says.

Training is not difficult, most of the tools used are already in common practice outside the workplace, and are seen as time wasters.

"If you want to find out what tools your staff are finding most useful at the moment, just go and see what your IT department is blocking."

The twelve guide to getting the most out of Web 2.0 into your enterprise are:

1. Wake Up Call at the Top – CIOs need to acknowledge that this is the computing and collaboration of the future.

2. Settle the Ownership question – Who calls the shots? Is it the upper level management or the IT department?

3. Borderless creativity – The value of these tools is still emerging and letting itself be seen. It can foster creativity throughout the organization whether the employees are sitting across the world from each other or on two separate continents.

4. If you’re not blogging how will you know what people say behind your back?

5. Consider the dark blog -- Companies are still figuring out how to control the blogs safely behind the firewalls. But employees can be the most valuable source of the information that flows from the blog

6. Push Co-Creation – According to this article, many CIOs see social networking as a waste of time. With the power of Web 2.0 tools, companies can be aided in inventing, developing and sending to new products to market faster due to the fact that they can communicate with other companies to see what they have done to make their enterprise work.

7. Beware of the stealth attack and stay alert – Know excalty which tool are correct for your business. If the wrong social networking tool is used, it could cause many problems throughout the enterprise.

8. Know what mashups will mess you up – Since two different web sources are combining in order to create one piece of information, the wrong source of information released could cause trouble. This could be a source of security problems, therefore it is important to know exactly what to use in these powerful tools.

9. Use web 2.0 for talent attraction and retention -- Most companies block these tools on the internet because they believe it is a great way for employees to waste time. But, if older generations and younger generations come together to work on these applications together, the possibilities are endless.

10. Use it for green computing—These tools allow people to access information faster, leading to a reduction in the need of power for computers. The carbon emissions dramatically decrease if computers are used right.

11. Use it to fix enterprise search – Many times, employees find it easier to find the information online than on the intranet. These tools can correct that.

12. Accept That Good Governance Reduces Exposure – The board and upper level management are the key to the success of these tools. With the correct guidance and exposure, these tools can lead to massive amounts of collaboration and innovation that could not otherwised be found without web 2.0 tools.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Google’s Cloud: Is the Enterprise Truly Ready?

Google is often seen as a fierce competitor to IBM and Microsoft since it has seen a surge in numbers of adoption of Google Apps, but its enterprise cloud structure isn’t quite where it should be yet. Searching the blogosphere, I came across this article from eWeek, in which Dave Rosenberg, CEO of MuleSource, shares that he is rather unimpressed with Google’s cloud, commenting that just because something is hosted it doesn’t make it a truly shared infrastructure.

The difference here between Google and other software is that Google’s services are delivered through a web browser, whereas other companies offer traditional software and servers that must be installed by the client. Dave Rosenberg mentions:

"We're seeing a lot of people who are using our software or other software between external systems, but the idea that we're all moving to the cloud is still probably five years away."

Dave believes that there are certain reasons why the enterprise is slow to move into the “cloud”.

  1. SAAS providers like keep customers locked into their own technology, thus defeating the purpose of SOA.
  2. The Google Apps engine is written in only one language, Python. If there was more language support, adoption from the enterprise would come much sooner.

Rosenberg’s solution is that one of the 3 big vendors IBM, Sun or Hewlett-Packard must build huge datacenters to kick-start the future of cloud infrastructure in the enterprise. Do you think that step will truly help mold the use of the “cloud” in the enterprise?

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mashups will create huge market

According to this article at Read Write Web, mashups will be a $700 million business by 2013.

According to Forrester, this is the definition of a mashup: "custom applications that combine multiple, disparate data sources into something new and unique."

One of the reasons that mashups will become a vital part of the future is that simple platforms such as Yahoo Pipes and other programs have allowed mashups to be created by consumers who have little or no knowledge when it comes to programming them.

Forrester also makes the assumption that mashups will hit their high point between the years of 2009-2010, and eventually fold in to IT departments by 2013. At this point, the major software manufacturers (examples: IBM and Microsoft) should have assumed most of their productions elements.

Organizations must increase their Web 2.0 awareness and capabilities now to prepare for the storm of innovation to come."

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mobile Social Networking: The Growing Phenomenon

How often do you access Facebook on your mobile phone? Personally, I find it more convenient to share information with my business contacts on my Blackberry. The latest article in eMarketer estimates that the number of mobile social networking users will grow from 82 million users now to roughly 800 million users worldwide by the year 2012.

The iPhone and Blackberry have launched several mobile-friendly applications of popular enterprise networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn so it was only a matter of time before we would see this influx of mobile users. As the growing demand for collaboration between individuals grow, so will the need for mobile enterprise networking, since most corporate executives are always on the go. This chart by eMarketer details the forecasted total mobile users.

The enterprise can expect a huge shift from the usage of social networking sites within the office to usage on their mobile devices. Tailored social networking apps have the changed the focus of the Treo, Blackberry, and the iPhone from being primarily a consumer gadget to an enterprise mobile device.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008 A Social Enterprise

Enterprise architects are developing a social collaboration platform called, where Web 2.0 tools like wikis, tagging, blogging, and enterprise search will be available within organizations in a corporate setting. Users have long been using web 2.0 in personal perspectives, but aims to help mesh this collaborative software in the enterprise. Here’s a clip of what has to offer. What collaborative feature do you feel will best improve organizational agility?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Microsoft/Yahoo! Deal Officially Off

With Microsoft officially receding their offer to buy Yahoo! this week, Google is now in a prime position to overtake the enterprise software market within a few years, according to this recent news article at EWeek.

Even though Google is a small player now, the shift in the software business is moving towards “in the clouds” and SAAS. This primes Google to be a front runner within five years of this new, emerging way to operate. Inevitably, Microsoft is now going to have to catch up with Google, and find a way to launch themselves ahead of the already innovation-heavy giant.

With the failure of Vista, Microsoft needs to find a way to move their current profit equation into something that is more low-margin and which is supported by selling a high volume of products. The reason Yahoo! was so appealing was the fact that they had invested and developed cloud computing. Now, Microsoft must find a way to create this internally.

At Search Engine Land Danny Sullivan thinks that Microsoft has spent the past few years chasing after Google in terms of internet search, while Google has been slowly inching in on enterprise software, and now Yahoo is left with running ads of its chief competitor on its website.

So what’s next for both companies? One thing is for sure, Yahoo! is still going to struggle to keep up with Google. And Microsoft needs to find a way to adapt to the oncoming evolution of software in the clouds.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Implementing Wikis can be Difficult

In a recent blog at CMS Wire, they discuss a new report released by J Boyle called Wiki in the Enterprise: A challenging new way of working.

This report focuses on the best way for a company to implement a wiki system into their enterprise. With information spread out across so many sources including multiple applications, computers and with individual employees themselves; it’s vital to bring all of this information together into one central location. A wiki can be used to funnel all of this information into one spot, easily accessible and searchable. The report found these the reasons that companies implemented wikis into their organization:

  • Developing ownership of information
  • Share knowledge locked inside the head of the “experts”
  • Easy way to share and find information
  • Store information that is asked often
  • Cheaper to train to use then, say, an enterprise content management system
  • Cheaper than a CMS

As the report shows, many times, companies set out with good intentions, but fail to realize some of the best practices. Many companies have difficulties adjusting to an open system, leaving them puzzled as to how best implement this system where everything is collaboratively collected into one location.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Attivio: The Latest in Enterprise Search

ZDNet does a good job on their review of Attivio’s latest enterprise search application Active Intelligence Engine, or AIE. AIE is able to effectively find specific information through structured and unstructured content through precision SQL querying.

So what’s so special about this feat since the enterprise already offers many search applications? Dennis Howlett brings up the notion that Google itself can not perform such complex and calculated queries based on commonalities. Even though Google is a popular enterprise search favorite, it is not able to effectively sort between enterprise applications, databases, email, documents, and other content management systems.

Hands up, even in it’s beginning stages, it looks like Attivio already has an advantage in enterprise search. With pricing ranging from $2,000 to $50,000 a month depending on system configurations, it looks as if it might give Google a run for its money.