Friday, September 11, 2009

IT Leadership Forum Speaker Profile: Ed Trainor, CIO, Amtrak

Ed Trainor

Ed Trainor is Chief Information Officer and Senior Vice President, IS for Amtrak. Prior to his return to Amtrak, he held the position of CIO for Paramount Pictures. Trainor has held similar positions with the Southern California Gas Co., and Flying Tigers. He is a new member of the Capital Area SIM chapter but has previously served in several positions on the Executive Committee of the Southern California SIM chapter. After terms as VP, Partner and Service Provider Programs, and VP, Issues Advocacy Trainor served as SIM International’s President in 2003. Trainor has been a participant SIM Advanced Practices Council® and a sponsor of several participants in the Regional Leadership Forum.

Information Week also recently profiled Ed Trainor in which he mentioned that he foresees high-speed rail passenger corridors as a key component of a national transportation policy. You can view the article here.

Don’t miss Ed Trainor's session The Road to CIO & The Future Role of the CIO at the IT Leadership Forum this November held in Phoenix, AZ.

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