Friday, May 30, 2008

Enterprise 2.0 Adoption: One Step at a Time

In a recent post at The Fast Forward blog, James Robertson gives his top five pointers on how to integrate Enterprise 2.0 into your business. The overall theme was to adopt the skills you have and know to this new software that can then enhance your skills.

1. Create a prototype or a pilot: James suggests you start with one group of individuals, and teach them to use this new software. After this group of individuals has taken the E2.0 ideas and their work has improved because of these tools, tell the company about it. Use them as examples to show that this software is worth adapting into your daily routine.

2. Use stories to articulate and capture needs: It’s a way for you to capture the interests of individuals, and at the same time, show them how their needs can be solved by using the software.

3. Build on existing platforms: Everyone in your office knows how to use your company’s intranet, so start with a few tools there. Then, they can be expanded and used in other places.

4. Use case studies from similar organizations: Find other organizations with similar structures and cultures to yours, then use this as an example for your employees.

5. Be passionate about the right thing: Know what problem you need to solve, then use the tools available to get there.

These are James Robertson’s five way to help a smooth transition of E2.0 into your enterprise. What would be your five tips?

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