Friday, May 23, 2008

What’s Your Take on Twitter in the Enterprise?

Can you really trust a social networking site that turns its back on it’s own community instead of defending it? Dennis Howlett brings up this interesting point in his latest post on ZDNet.

Ariel Waldman’s case of harassment on Twitter has been well publicized, but what’s interesting about this story is that Twitter has decided not to ban the individual who has been harassing Ariel from using its services. Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, explains that the company is scared that it wouldn’t be able to handle a major lawsuit it would most likely experience by banning an individual. So in turn, it has chosen to not uphold its individual rights

This could be a major concern for usage of Twitter in the future. What’s to prevent Twitter from upholding rights of its enterprise users? After all, corporate liability is at stake here…

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