Monday, August 25, 2008

Trouble Implementing Enterprise 2.0

This article from Social Computing Magazine raises this interesting point:

“It's not the technology that is the problem with adoption and implementation of Enterprise 2.0, rather is the people, culture and habits we have built up in the workplace.”

The author goes on to mention that she feels that the reason for this normally enterprises have a top down approach, however the whole enterprise 2.0 movement has been one that has come up from “grass roots”. The disconnect comes from the fact that enterprises want to utilize this systems using “order, control, and structure”, which the author argues is the opposite of how the movement was created to begin with. The author fears that without taking into account the principles of “sharing, collaboration, co-creation, and engagement”, the Enterprise 2.0 movement will fail.

What are you thoughts on this authors view? Do you think that many organizations are failing at implementing Enterprise 2.0 systems?

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