Thursday, March 13, 2008

Microsoft Vista and Incompatibility

Under the watchful enterprise eye, Microsoft Vista is seen as slow, outdated, and complex. One of the most frustrating aspects of Vista is compatibility issues with applications that companies have come to depend on. Insufficient memory can also cause problems with Vista, and that is why most organizations have chosen to stay with Windows XP until the latest operating system is released.

What can Microsoft do to battle incompatibility issues? Dan Kusnetzky’s latest post on ZdNet describes Microsoft’s recent acquisition of Kidaro, a desktop virtualization app, and how it will aid Microsoft with this dilemma.

According to Dan, purchasing Kidaro as an add-on will help do the following:

  • Accelerate Windows Vista migrations by minimizing compatibility issues between applications and the operating system

  • Easily deploy managed Virtual PCs to Windows desktops

  • Drive business continuity by enabling rapid reconstitution of corporate desktops

  • Minimize the tension between IT control and user flexibility by applying policies in locked-down corporate Virtual PCs while giving users more open access to the underlying host operating system

  • Speed user adoption of desktop virtualization by making Virtual PCs iinvisible” to end users

  • Reduce IT investment in desktop image management by delivering virtual images independent of hardware or local desktop configuration

One thing that concerns me is that Microsoft will not offer this as a complete bundle, it will still be offered as a separate add-on subscription. Microsoft acquired Kidaro in hopes that it would help out the current perception of incompatibility when people think of Vista. Was this a smart move for Microsoft?

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